Source code for

from typing import Optional
from collections import UserDict
import requests
import os

    import orjson as json
except ImportError:
        import rapidjson as json
    except ImportError:
            import simplejson as json
        except ImportError:
            import json

import geojson
from validator_collection import validators, checkers

from highcharts_maps import errors, utility_functions
from highcharts_maps.decorators import class_sensitive
from highcharts_maps.metaclasses import HighchartsMeta
from highcharts_maps.utility_classes.topojson import Topology
from highcharts_maps.utility_classes.javascript_functions import CallbackFunction
from highcharts_maps.utility_classes.fetch_configuration import FetchConfiguration

[docs]class MapData(HighchartsMeta): """The :term:`map geometry` data which defines the areas and features of the map itself.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._force_geojson = None self._topology = None self.force_geojson = kwargs.get('force_geojsons', None) self.topology = kwargs.get('topology', None) def __str__(self): """Return a human-readable :class:`str <python:str>` representation of the map data. .. warning:: To ensure that the result is human-readable, the result will be rendered *without* its :meth:`.topology <>` property. .. tip:: If you would like a *complete* and *unambiguous* :class:`str <python:str>` representation, then you can: * use the :meth:`__repr__() <>` method, * call ``repr(my_map_data)``, or * serialize the chart to TopoJSON using :meth:`.to_topojson() <>` * serialize the chart to GeoJSON using :meth:`.to_geojson() <>` :returns: A :class:`str <python:str>` representation of the map data. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ as_dict = self.to_dict() kwargs = {utility_functions.to_snake_case(key): as_dict[key] for key in as_dict if key not in ['topology']} kwargs_as_str = ', '.join([f'{key} = {repr(kwargs[key])}' for key in kwargs]) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({kwargs_as_str})' @property def force_geojson(self) -> Optional[bool]: """If ``True``, will serialize as :term:`GeoJSON`. If ``False``, will serialize as :term:`TopoJSON` which sends less data over the wire. Defaults to ``False``. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` """ return self._force_geojson @force_geojson.setter def force_geojson(self, value): if value is None: self._force_geojson = None else: self._force_geojson = bool(value) @property def topology(self) -> Optional[Topology]: """The :term:`topology` that defines the map areas that should be rendered in the map. :rtype: :class:`Topology <highcharts_maps.utility_classes.topojson.Topology>` """ return self._topology @topology.setter def topology(self, value): is_file = checkers.is_file(value) if not is_file and isinstance(value, (str, bytes)): try: value_as_path = os.path.abspath(value) is_file = os.path.isfile(value_as_path) if is_file: value = value_as_path except TypeError: is_file = False if not value: self._topology = None elif is_file: with open(value, 'r') as as_file: try: as_dict = json.load(as_file) except AttributeError: as_str = as_dict = json.loads(as_str) if 'data' in as_dict.get('objects', {}): self._topology = Topology(as_dict, object_name = 'data') elif 'default' in as_dict.get('objects', {}): self._topology = Topology(as_dict, object_name = 'default') else: self._topology = Topology(as_dict) elif checkers.is_url(value): request = requests.get(value) request.raise_for_status() as_dict = json.loads(request.content) if 'data' in as_dict.get('objects', {}): self._topology = Topology(as_dict, object_name = 'data') elif 'default' in as_dict.get('objects', {}): self._topology = Topology(as_dict, object_name = 'default') else: self._topology = Topology(as_dict) elif isinstance(value, Topology): self._topology = value elif checkers.is_type(value, 'GeoDataFrame'): self._topology = Topology(value, prequantize = False) elif isinstance(value, (str, bytes)): if '"data"' in value: self._topology = Topology(value, object_name = 'data') elif '"default"' in value: self._topology = Topology(value, object_name = 'default') else: try: as_dict = json.load(value) except AttributeError: as_dict = json.loads(value) if 'data' in as_dict.get('objects', {}): self._topology = Topology(as_dict, object_name = 'data') elif 'default' in as_dict.get('objects', {}): self._topology = Topology(as_dict, object_name = 'default') else: self._topology = Topology(as_dict) elif isinstance(value, (dict, UserDict)): if 'data' in value.get('objects', {}): self._topology = Topology(value, object_name = 'data') elif 'default' in value.get('objects', {}): self._topology = Topology(value, object_name = 'default') else: self._topology = Topology(value) elif checkers.is_iterable(value, forbid_literals = (str, bytes, dict)): data = [] object_names = [] is_GeoDataFrame = False for count, item in enumerate(value): data.append(item) object_names.append(f'obj_{count}') if checkers.is_type(item, 'GeoDataFrame'): is_GeoDataFrame = True if is_GeoDataFrame: self._topology = Topology(data = data, object_name = object_names, prequantize = False) else: self._topology = Topology(data = data, object_name = object_names) else: try: self._topology = Topology(value) except (json.JSONDecodeError, ValueError, TypeError): raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'Unable to deserialize a topology from' f' the value supplied: {value}') @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): if ('forceGeoJSON' in as_dict or 'force_geojson' in as_dict or 'topology' in as_dict): kwargs = { 'force_geojson': as_dict.get('force_geojson', as_dict.get('forceGeoJSON', False)), 'topology': as_dict.get('topology', None), } else: kwargs = { 'topology': as_dict } return kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, as_dict: dict, allow_snake_case: bool = True): """Construct an instance of the class from a :class:`dict <python:dict>` object. :param as_dict: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the object. :type as_dict: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param allow_snake_case: If ``True``, interprets ``snake_case`` keys as equivalent to ``camelCase`` keys. Defaults to ``True``. :type allow_snake_case: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: A Python object representation of ``as_dict``. :rtype: :class:`HighchartsMeta` """ as_dict = validators.dict(as_dict, allow_empty = True) or {} if ('forceGeoJSON' in as_dict or 'force_geojson' in as_dict or ('topology' in as_dict and len(as_dict) == 1)): clean_as_dict = {} for key in as_dict: if allow_snake_case: clean_key = utility_functions.to_camelCase(key) else: clean_key = key clean_as_dict[clean_key] = as_dict[key] kwargs = cls._get_kwargs_from_dict(clean_as_dict) else: kwargs = { 'topology': as_dict } return cls(**kwargs)
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'forceGeoJSON': self.force_geojson, 'topology': self.topology } return untrimmed
[docs] @staticmethod def trim_dict(untrimmed: dict, to_json: bool = False, context: str = None, for_export: bool = False) -> dict: """Remove keys from ``untrimmed`` whose values are :obj:`None <python:None>` and convert values that have ``.to_dict()`` methods. :param untrimmed: The :class:`dict <python:dict>` whose values may still be :obj:`None <python:None>` or Python objects. :type untrimmed: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param to_json: If ``True``, will remove all keys from ``untrimmed`` that are not serializable to JSON. Defaults to ``False``. :type to_json: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param context: If provided, will inform the method of the context in which it is being run which may inform special handling cases (e.g. where empty strings may be important / allowable). Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type context: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :param for_export: If ``True``, indicates that the method is being run to produce a JSON for consumption by the export server. Defaults to ``False``. :type for_export: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: Trimmed :class:`dict <python:dict>` :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` """ if not for_export: return HighchartsMeta.trim_dict(untrimmed = untrimmed, to_json = to_json, context = context, for_export = for_export) topology = untrimmed.get('topology', None) return topology
[docs] def to_json(self, filename = None, encoding = 'utf-8', for_export: bool = False): """Generate a JSON string/byte string representation of the object compatible with the Highcharts JavaScript library. .. note:: This method will either return a standard :class:`str <python:str>` or a :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` object depending on the JSON serialization library you are using. For example, if your environment has `orjson <>`_, the result will be a :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` representation of the string. :param filename: The name of a file to which the JSON string should be persisted. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type filename: Path-like :param encoding: The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to ``'utf-8'``. :type encoding: :class:`str <python:str>` :param for_export: If ``True``, indicates that the method is being run to produce a JSON for consumption by the export server. Defaults to ``False``. :type for_export: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: A JSON representation of the object compatible with the Highcharts library. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` """ if filename: filename = validators.path(filename) if not self.force_geojson: as_json = self.topology.to_json() else: as_json = self.topology.to_geojson() if filename: if isinstance(as_json, bytes): write_type = 'wb' else: write_type = 'w' with open(filename, write_type, encoding = encoding) as file_: file_.write(as_json) return as_json
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, as_json_or_file: str | bytes, allow_snake_case: bool = True): """Construct an instance of the class from a JSON string. :param as_json_or_file: The JSON string for the object or the filename of a file that contains the JSON string. :type as_jsonor_file: :class:`str <python:str>` or :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` :param allow_snake_case: If ``True``, interprets ``snake_case`` keys as equivalent to ``camelCase`` keys. Defaults to ``True``. :type allow_snake_case: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: A Python objcet representation of ``as_json``. :rtype: :class:`MapData` """ is_file = checkers.is_file(as_json_or_file) if is_file: with open(as_json_or_file, 'r') as file_: as_str = else: as_str = as_json_or_file as_dict = json.loads(as_str) return cls.from_dict(as_dict, allow_snake_case = allow_snake_case)
[docs] def to_js_literal(self, filename = None, encoding = 'utf-8', careful_validation = False) -> Optional[str]: """Return the object represented as a :class:`str <python:str>` containing the JavaScript object literal. :param filename: The name of a file to which the JavaScript object literal should be persisted. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type filename: Path-like :param encoding: The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to ``'utf-8'``. :type encoding: :class:`str <python:str>` :param careful_validation: if ``True``, will carefully validate JavaScript values along the way using the `esprima-python <>`__ library. Defaults to ``False``. .. warning:: Setting this value to ``True`` will significantly degrade serialization performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes. :type careful_validation: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ if filename: filename = validators.path(filename) as_json = self.to_json(encoding = encoding) if filename: if isinstance(as_json, bytes): write_type = 'wb' else: write_type = 'w' with open(filename, write_type, encoding = encoding) as file_: file_.write(as_json) return as_json
[docs] def to_geojson(self, filename = None, encoding = 'utf-8'): """Generate a :term:`GeoJSON` string/byte string representation of the object. .. note:: This method will either return a standard :class:`str <python:str>` or a :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` object depending on the JSON serialization library you are using. For example, if your environment has `orjson <>`_, the result will be a :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` representation of the string. :param filename: The name of a file to which the JSON string should be persisted. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type filename: Path-like :param encoding: The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to ``'utf-8'``. :type encoding: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: A :term:`GeoJSON` representation of the object :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` """ if filename: filename = validators.path(filename) as_geojson = self.topology.to_geojson() if filename: if isinstance(as_geojson, bytes): write_type = 'wb' else: write_type = 'w' with open(filename, write_type, encoding = encoding) as file_: file_.write(as_geojson) return as_geojson
[docs] @classmethod def from_geojson(cls, as_geojson_or_file: str | bytes, allow_snake_case: bool = True): """Construct an instance of the class from a JSON string. :param as_geojson_or_file: The :term:`GeoJSON` string for the object or the filename of a file that contains the GeoJSON string. :type as_geojson_or_file: :class:`str <python:str>` or :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` :param allow_snake_case: If ``True``, interprets ``snake_case`` keys as equivalent to ``camelCase`` keys. Defaults to ``True``. :type allow_snake_case: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: A Python objcet representation of ``as_geojson_or_file``. :rtype: :class:`MapData` """ return cls.from_json(as_geojson_or_file, allow_snake_case = allow_snake_case)
[docs] def to_topojson(self, filename = None, encoding = 'utf-8'): """Generate a :term:`TopoJSON` string/byte string representation of the object. .. note:: This method will either return a standard :class:`str <python:str>` or a :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` object depending on the JSON serialization library you are using. For example, if your environment has `orjson <>`_, the result will be a :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` representation of the string. :param filename: The name of a file to which the JSON string should be persisted. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type filename: Path-like :param encoding: The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to ``'utf-8'``. :type encoding: :class:`str <python:str>` :returns: A :term:`TopoJSON` representation of the object :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` """ if filename: filename = validators.path(filename) as_topojson = self.topology.to_json() if filename: if isinstance(as_topojson, bytes): write_type = 'wb' else: write_type = 'w' with open(filename, write_type, encoding = encoding) as file_: file_.write(as_topojson) return as_topojson
[docs] @classmethod def from_topojson(cls, as_topojson_or_file: str | bytes, allow_snake_case: bool = True): """Construct an instance of the class from a :term:`TopoJSON` string. :param as_topojson_or_file: The :term:`TopoJSON` string for the object or the filename of a file that contains the TopoJSON string. :type as_topojson_or_file: :class:`str <python:str>` or :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` :param allow_snake_case: If ``True``, interprets ``snake_case`` keys as equivalent to ``camelCase`` keys. Defaults to ``True``. :type allow_snake_case: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :returns: A Python objcet representation of ``as_topojson_or_file``. :rtype: :class:`MapData` """ return cls.from_json(as_topojson_or_file, allow_snake_case = allow_snake_case)
[docs] def to_geodataframe(self, object_name = None): """Generate a :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame <geopandas:GeoDataFrame>` instance of the :term:`map geometry`. :param object_name: If the map data contains multiple objects, you can generate serialize a specific object by specifying its name or index. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which behaves as an index of 0. :type object_name: :class:`str <python:str>` or :class:`int <python:int>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` :rtype: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame <geopandas:GeoDataFrame>` """ return self.topology.to_gdf(object_name = object_name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_geodataframe(cls, as_gdf, prequantize = False, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`MapData` instance from a :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame <geopandas:GeoDataFrame>`. :param as_gdf: The :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame <geopandas:GeoDataFrame>` containing the :term:`map geometry`. :type as_gdf: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame <geopandas:GeoDataFrame>` :param prequantize: If ``True``, will perform the TopoJSON optimizations ("quantizing the topology") before generating the :class:`Topology` instance. Defaults to ``False``. :type prequantize: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments which are passed to the :class:`Topology` constructor :type kwargs: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :rtype: :class:`MapData <>` """ topology = Topology(as_gdf, prequantize = prequantize, **kwargs) return cls(topology = topology)
[docs] @classmethod def from_shapefile(cls, shp_filename): """Create a :class:`MapData` instance from an :term:`ESRI Shapefile <shapefile>`. :param shp_filename: The full filename of an :term:`ESRI Shapefile <shapefile>` to load. .. note:: :term:`ESRI Shapefiles <shapefile>` are actually composed of three files each, with one file receiving the ``.shp`` extension, one with a ``.dbf`` extension, and one (optional) file with a ``.shx`` extension. **Highcharts Maps for Python** will resolve all three files given a single base filename. Thus: ``/my-shapefiles-folder/my_shapefile.shp`` will successfully load data from the three files: ``/my-shapefiles-folder/my_shapefile.shp`` ``/my-shapefiles-folder/my_shapefile.dbf`` ``/my-shapefiles-folder/my_shapefile.shx`` .. tip:: **Highcharts for Python** will also correctly load and unpack :term:`shapefiles <shapefile>` that are grouped together within a ZIP file. :type shp_filename: :class:`str <python:str>` or :class:`bytes <python:bytes>` :rtype: :class:`MapData <>` """ try: import shapefile except ImportError: raise errors.HighchartsDependencyError('MapSeriesBase.from_shapefile() ' 'requires PyShp be installed. ' 'However, it was not found in the ' 'runtime environment.') shp_filename = validators.file_exists(shp_filename) data = shapefile.Reader(shp_filename) topology = Topology(data) return cls(topology = topology)
[docs]class AsyncMapData(HighchartsMeta): """Configuration of :term:`map geometry` which `Highcharts Maps <>`__ should fetch *asynchronously* using client-side JavaScript. .. note:: When serialized to a JS literal will execute an async (JavaScript) ``fetch()`` call to download the map data from :meth:`.url <>`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._url = None self._selector = None self._fetch_config = None self._fetch_counter = None self.url = kwargs.get('url', None) self.selector = kwargs.get('selector', None) self.fetch_config = kwargs.get('fetch_config', None) self.fetch_counter = kwargs.get('fetch_counter', None) @property def url(self) -> Optional[str]: """The URL that the (JavaScript) ``fetch()`` function will be requesting, which should return either :term:`TopoJSON` or :term:`GeoJSON` data. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: This property will *overwrite* any URL configured within :meth:`.fetch_config <>`. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._url @url.setter def url(self, value): self._url = validators.url(value, allow_empty = True) @property def selector(self) -> Optional[CallbackFunction]: """An optional (JavaScript) function which receives the :term:`map geometry` downloaded from :meth:`.url <>`, can perform some (arbitrary - it's up to you!) operation on that data, and returns a new set of :term:`map geometries <map geometry>` which will be visualized by `Highcharts for Maps <>`__. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: The ``selector`` function *must* accept a single argument: ``topology`` and *must* return a single value (which will be assigned to the JavaScript variable named ``topology``). :rtype: :class:`CallbackFunction <highcharts_maps.utility_classes.javascript_functions.CallbackFunction>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._selector @selector.setter @class_sensitive(CallbackFunction) def selector(self, value): self._selector = value @property def fetch_config(self) -> Optional[FetchConfiguration]: """Optional configuration settings to use when executing the (JavaScript) asynchronous ``fetch()`` call to download the :term:`map geometry`. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: The :meth:`.url <>`. setting will override any URL set in the :class:`FetchConfiguration <highcharts_maps.utility_classes.fetch_configuration.FetchConfiguration>`. :rtype: :class:`FetchConfiguration <highcharts_maps.utility_classes.fetch_configuration.FetchConfiguration>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._fetch_config @fetch_config.setter @class_sensitive(FetchConfiguration) def fetch_config(self, value): self._fetch_config = value if not self._fetch_config and self.url: self._fetch_config = FetchConfiguration(url = self.url) elif self.url: self.fetch_config.url = self.url @property def fetch_counter(self) -> int: """The number to append to the ``topology`` variable name when serializing the map data. Defaults to ``0``. :rtype: :class:`int <python:int>` """ return self._fetch_counter @fetch_counter.setter def fetch_counter(self, value): self._fetch_counter = validators.integer(value, allow_empty = True, minimum = 0) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'url': as_dict.get('url', None), 'selector': as_dict.get('selector', None), 'fetch_config': as_dict.get('fetchConfig', as_dict.get('fetch_config', None)), 'fetch_counter': as_dict.get('fetchCounter', as_dict.get('fetch_counter', None)), } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'url': self.url, 'selector': self.selector, 'fetchConfig': self.fetch_config, 'fetchCounter': self.fetch_counter, } return untrimmed
[docs] def to_js_literal(self, filename = None, encoding = 'utf-8', careful_validation = False) -> Optional[str]: """Return the object represented as a :class:`str <python:str>` containing the JavaScript object literal. :param filename: The name of a file to which the JavaScript object literal should be persisted. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>` :type filename: Path-like :param encoding: The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to ``'utf-8'``. :type encoding: :class:`str <python:str>` :param careful_validation: if ``True``, will carefully validate JavaScript values along the way using the `esprima-python <>`__ library. Defaults to ``False``. .. warning:: Setting this value to ``True`` will significantly degrade serialization performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes. :type careful_validation: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ if filename: filename = validators.path(filename) if self.fetch_config: self.fetch_config.url = self.url fetch_config = self.fetch_config else: fetch_config = FetchConfiguration(self.url) if self.selector: function = f"""const selector = {str(self.selector)};\n""" fetch = f"""const topology = await {str(fetch_config)}.then(response => selector(response.json()));""" else: function = '' fetch = f"""const topology = await {str(fetch_config)}.then(response => response.json());""" if self.fetch_counter and self.fetch_counter > 0: fetch = fetch.replace('const topology', f'const topology{self.fetch_counter}') as_str = f'{function}{fetch}' if filename: with open(filename, 'w', encoding = encoding) as file_: file_.write(as_str) return as_str