Frequently Asked Questions

Highcharts Core for Python vs Highcharts Maps for Python

What is the difference between Highcharts Core for Python and Highcharts Maps for Python?

The Highcharts Core for Python library supports Highcharts JS, which is the core data visualization library developed by Highsoft. It provides over 60 different visualization types.

Highcharts Maps for Python is an extension to Highcharts Core for Python in the same way that Highcharts Maps is an extension to Highcharts JS. It:


Highcharts Maps for Python includes all of the functionality from Highcharts Core for Python using the exact same API. As a result, the best practice is that if your application needs any of the features included in Highcharts Maps for Python, just use that library.

Getting Help

Where can I get help using Highcharts for Python?

This documentation is a great place to start, but we’re here to help!

The Highcharts for Python toolkit comes with all of the great support that you are used to from working with the Highcharts JavaScript libraries. When you license the toolkit, you are welcome to use any of the following tools to get help using the toolkit. In particular, you can:



Is the Highcharts for Python toolkit free?

If you are evaluating the Highcharts for Python toolkit, you are welcome to install and use it free of charge. However, if you are using it for professional purposes - either to use Highcharts for your work, or to build an application that integrates the library - then you have to pay for both Highcharts JS itself and for Highcharts for Python.

You can purchase licenses for both from Highsoft A/S at:

How much does Highcharts for Python cost?

As a paid add-on to the Highcharts JavaScript libraries, the Highcharts for Python toolkit is priced at 30% of the price you pay for your Highcharts JavaScript license/support contract.

How do I license the Highcharts for Python toolkit?

Licensing is super easy! You can go to and fill out the form, and that’s it!

Open Source

Is Highcharts for Python open source?

Yes. The Highcharts for Python toolkit is open source (but not free - see licensing above). You are welcome to review the source code on Github.

Can I fork the toolkit?


Remember that if you fork the library and make modifications to the source code, that means that we will not be able to provide support or technical assistance for you should you run into trouble. So you will ultimately depend on forks at your own risk!

Yes. You are welcome to fork any of our repositories from Github, provided that you adhere to the terms of our Terms and Conditions for the Highcharts for Python Toolkit License.


Bear in mind that if you fork the repository, that does not mean you are allowed to use it for professional purposes. Even if forked, you still need a license to do so. You can purchase a license here.

Can I contribute to the Highcharts for Python toolkit?

Absolutely! We encourage contributions to the toolkit from the community! For more information, please read our Contributor Guide.