from typing import Optional
from validator_collection import validators
from highcharts_core import constants
from highcharts_core.decorators import class_sensitive
from highcharts_core.metaclasses import HighchartsMeta
[docs]class SeriesTypeDescriptions(HighchartsMeta):
"""Descriptions of lesser known series types. The relevant description is added to
the screen reader information region when these series types are used."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._arearange = None
self._areasplinerange = None
self._boxplot = None
self._bubble = None
self._columnrange = None
self._errorbar = None
self._funnel = None
self._pyramid = None
self._waterfall = None
self.arearange = kwargs.get('arearange', None)
self.areasplinerange = kwargs.get('areasplinerange', None)
self.boxplot = kwargs.get('boxplot', None)
self.bubble = kwargs.get('bubble', None)
self.columnrange = kwargs.get('columnrange', None)
self.errorbar = kwargs.get('errorbar', None)
self.funnel = kwargs.get('funnel', None)
self.pyramid = kwargs.get('pyramid', None)
self.waterfall = kwargs.get('waterfall', None)
def arearange(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'Arearange charts are line charts displaying a range between a lower and higher value for each point.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._arearange
def arearange(self, value):
self._arearange = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def areasplinerange(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'These charts are line charts displaying a range between a lower and higher value for each point.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._areasplinerange
def areasplinerange(self, value):
self._areasplinerange = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def boxplot(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'Box plot charts are typically used to display groups of statistical data. Each data point in the chart can have up to 5 values: minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile, and maximum.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._boxplot
def boxplot(self, value):
self._boxplot = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def bubble(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'Bubble charts are scatter charts where each data point also has a size value.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._bubble
def bubble(self, value):
self._bubble = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def columnrange(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'Columnrange charts are column charts displaying a range between a lower and higher value for each point.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._columnrange
def columnrange(self, value):
self._columnrange = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def errorbar(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'Errorbar series are used to display the variability of the data.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._errorbar
def errorbar(self, value):
self._errorbar = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def funnel(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'Funnel charts are used to display reduction of data in stages.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._funnel
def funnel(self, value):
self._funnel = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def pyramid(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'Pyramid charts consist of a single pyramid with item heights corresponding to each point value.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._pyramid
def pyramid(self, value):
self._pyramid = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def waterfall(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'A waterfall chart is a column chart where each column contributes towards a total end value.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._waterfall
def waterfall(self, value):
self._waterfall = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'arearange': as_dict.get('arearange', None),
'areasplinerange': as_dict.get('areasplinerange', None),
'boxplot': as_dict.get('boxplot', None),
'bubble': as_dict.get('bubble', None),
'columnrange': as_dict.get('columnrange', None),
'errorbar': as_dict.get('errorbar', None),
'funnel': as_dict.get('funnel', None),
'pyramid': as_dict.get('pyramid', None),
'waterfall': as_dict.get('waterfall', None),
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'arearange': self.arearange,
'areasplinerange': self.areasplinerange,
'boxplot': self.boxplot,
'bubble': self.bubble,
'columnrange': self.columnrange,
'errorbar': self.errorbar,
'funnel': self.funnel,
'pyramid': self.pyramid,
'waterfall': self.waterfall
return untrimmed
[docs]class SeriesSummaryLanguageOptions(HighchartsMeta):
"""Language configuration for the series main summary.
Each series type has two modes:
#. This series type is the only series type used in the chart
#. This is a combination chart with multiple series types
.. note::
If a definition does not exist for the specific series type and mode, the
``'default'`` language definitions are used.
Chart and its subproperties can be accessed with the ``{chart}`` variable. The
series and its subproperties can be accessed with the ``{series}`` variable.
The series index (starting from 1) can be accessed with the ``{seriesNumber}``
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._bar = None
self._bar_combination = None
self._boxplot = None
self._boxplot_combination = None
self._bubble = None
self._bubble_combination = None
self._column = None
self._column_combination = None
self._default = None
self._default_combination = None
self._line = None
self._line_combination = None
self._map = None
self._map_combination = None
self._mapbubble = None
self._mapbubble_combination = None
self._mapline = None
self._mapline_combination = None
self._pie = None
self._pie_combination = None
self._scatter = None
self._scatter_combination = None
self._spline = None
self._spline_combination = None = kwargs.get('bar',
self.bar_combination = kwargs.get('bar_combination',
self.boxplot = kwargs.get('boxplot',
self.boxplot_combination = kwargs.get('boxplot_combination',
self.bubble = kwargs.get('bubble',
self.bubble_combination = kwargs.get('bubble_combination',
self.column = kwargs.get('column',
self.column_combination = kwargs.get('column_combination',
self.default = kwargs.get('default',
self.default_combination = kwargs.get('default_combination',
self.line = kwargs.get('line',
self.line_combination = kwargs.get('line_combination',
constants.DEFAULT_LANG_ACS_SERIES_SUMMARY.get('line_combination')) = kwargs.get('map',
self.map_combination = kwargs.get('map_combination',
self.mapbubble = kwargs.get('mapbubble',
self.mapbubble_combination = kwargs.get('mapbubble_combination',
self.mapline = kwargs.get('mapline',
self.mapline_combination = kwargs.get('mapline_combination',
self.pie = kwargs.get('pie',
self.pie_combination = kwargs.get('pie_combination',
self.scatter = kwargs.get('scatter',
self.scatter_combination = kwargs.get('scatter_combination',
self.spline = kwargs.get('spline',
self.spline_combination = kwargs.get('spline_combination',
def bar(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, bar series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, bars, bar)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._bar
def bar(self, value):
self._bar = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def bar_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Bar series with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, bars, bar)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._bar_combination
def bar_combination(self, value):
self._bar_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def boxplot(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, boxplot {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, boxes, box)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._boxplot
def boxplot(self, value):
self._boxplot = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def boxplot_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Boxplot with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, boxes, box)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._boxplot_combination
def boxplot_combination(self, value):
self._boxplot_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def bubble(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, bubble series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, bubbles, bubble)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._bubble
def bubble(self, value):
self._bubble = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def bubble_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Bubble series with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, bubbles, bubble)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._bubble_combination
def bubble_combination(self, value):
self._bubble_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def column(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, bar series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, bars, bar)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._column
def column(self, value):
self._column = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def column_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Bar series with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, bars, bar)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._column_combination
def column_combination(self, value):
self._column_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def default(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} data {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._default
def default(self, value):
self._default = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def default_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} data {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._default_combination
def default_combination(self, value):
self._default_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def line(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, line {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} data {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._line
def line(self, value):
self._line = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def line_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Line with {series.points.length} data {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._line_combination
def line_combination(self, value):
self._line_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def map(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, map {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, areas, area)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._map
def map(self, value):
self._map = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def map_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Map with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, areas, area)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._map_combination
def map_combination(self, value):
self._map_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def mapbubble(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, bubble series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, bubbles, bubble)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._mapbubble
def mapbubble(self, value):
self._mapbubble = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def mapbubble_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Bubble series with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, bubbles, bubble)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._mapbubble_combination
def mapbubble_combination(self, value):
self._mapbubble_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def mapline(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, line {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} data {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._mapline
def mapline(self, value):
self._mapline = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def mapline_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Line with {series.points.length} data {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._mapline_combination
def mapline_combination(self, value):
self._mapline_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def pie(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, pie {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, slices, slice)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._pie
def pie(self, value):
self._pie = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def pie_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Pie with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, slices, slice)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._pie_combination
def pie_combination(self, value):
self._pie_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def scatter(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, scatter plot {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._scatter
def scatter(self, value):
self._scatter = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def scatter_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}, scatter plot with {series.points.length} {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._scatter_combination
def scatter_combination(self, value):
self._scatter_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def spline(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to ``'{}, line {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length} with {series.points.length} data {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._spline
def spline(self, value):
self._spline = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def spline_combination(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defaults to
``'{}, series {seriesNumber} of {chart.series.length}. Line with {series.points.length} data {#plural(series.points.length, points, point)}.'``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._spline_combination
def spline_combination(self, value):
self._spline_combination = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'bar': as_dict.get('bar', None),
'bar_combination': as_dict.get('barCombination', None),
'boxplot': as_dict.get('boxplot', None),
'boxplot_combination': as_dict.get('boxplotCombination', None),
'bubble': as_dict.get('bubble', None),
'bubble_combination': as_dict.get('bubbleCombination', None),
'column': as_dict.get('column', None),
'column_combination': as_dict.get('columnCombination', None),
'default': as_dict.get('default', None),
'default_combination': as_dict.get('defaultCombination', None),
'line': as_dict.get('line', None),
'line_combination': as_dict.get('lineCombination', None),
'map': as_dict.get('map', None),
'map_combination': as_dict.get('mapCombination', None),
'mapbubble': as_dict.get('mapbubble', None),
'mapbubble_combination': as_dict.get('mapbubbleCombination', None),
'mapline': as_dict.get('mapline', None),
'mapline_combination': as_dict.get('maplineCombination', None),
'pie': as_dict.get('pie', None),
'pie_combination': as_dict.get('pieCombination', None),
'scatter': as_dict.get('scatter', None),
'scatter_combination': as_dict.get('scatterCombination', None),
'spline': as_dict.get('spline', None),
'spline_combination': as_dict.get('splineCombination', None),
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'barCombination': self.bar_combination,
'boxplot': self.boxplot,
'boxplotCombination': self.boxplot_combination,
'bubble': self.bubble,
'bubbleCombination': self.bubble_combination,
'column': self.column,
'columnCombination': self.column_combination,
'default': self.default,
'defaultCombination': self.default_combination,
'line': self.line,
'lineCombination': self.line_combination,
'mapCombination': self.map_combination,
'mapbubble': self.mapbubble,
'mapbubbleCombination': self.mapbubble_combination,
'mapline': self.mapline,
'maplineCombination': self.mapline_combination,
'pie': self.pie,
'pieCombination': self.pie_combination,
'scatter': self.scatter,
'scatterCombination': self.scatter_combination,
'spline': self.spline,
'splineCombination': self.spline_combination
return untrimmed
[docs]class SeriesLanguageOptions(HighchartsMeta):
"""Language configuration for different series types.
.. hint::
For more dynamic control over the series element descriptions, see
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._description = None
self._null_point_value = None
self._point_annotations_description = None
self._summary = None
self._x_axis_description = None
self._y_axis_description = None
self.description = kwargs.get('description', None)
self.null_point_value = kwargs.get('null_point_value', None)
self.point_annotations_description = kwargs.get('point_annotations_description',
self.summary = kwargs.get('summary', None)
self.x_axis_description = kwargs.get('x_axis_description', None)
self.y_axis_description = kwargs.get('y_axis_description', None)
def description(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""User supplied description text. Defaults to:
.. note::
This is added in the point comment description by default if present.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._description
def description(self, value):
self._description = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def null_point_value(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Description for the value of null points. Defaults to:
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._null_point_value
def null_point_value(self, value):
self._null_point_value = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def point_annotations_description(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Description for annotations on a point, as it is made available to assistive
technology. Defaults to:
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._point_annotations_description
def point_annotations_description(self, value):
self._point_annotations_description = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def summary(self) -> Optional[SeriesSummaryLanguageOptions]:
"""Language configuration for the series main summary.
Each series type has two modes:
#. This series type is the only series type used in the chart
#. This is a combination chart with multiple series types
.. note::
If a definition does not exist for the specific series type and mode, the
``'default'`` language definitions are used.
Chart and its subproperties can be accessed with the ``{chart}`` variable. The
series and its subproperties can be accessed with the ``{series}`` variable.
The series index (starting from 1) can be accessed with the ``{seriesNumber}``
:rtype: :class:`SeriesSummaryLanguageOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._summary
def summary(self, value):
self._summary = value
def x_axis_description(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""xAxis description for series if there are multiple xAxes in the chart. Defaults
to: ``''``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._x_axis_description
def x_axis_description(self, value):
self._x_axis_description = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def y_axis_description(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""yAxis description for series if there are multiple yAxes in the chart. Defaults
to: ``''``.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._y_axis_description
def y_axis_description(self, value):
self._y_axis_description = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'description': as_dict.get('description', None),
'null_point_value': as_dict.get('nullPointValue', None),
'point_annotations_description': as_dict.get('pointAnnotationsDescription',
'summary': as_dict.get('summary', None),
'x_axis_description': as_dict.get('xAxisDescription', None),
'y_axis_description': as_dict.get('yAxisDescription', None),
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'description': self.description,
'nullPointValue': self.null_point_value,
'pointAnnotationsDescription': self.point_annotations_description,
'summary': self.summary,
'xAxisDescription': self.x_axis_description,
'yAxisDescription': self.y_axis_description
return untrimmed