Source code for highcharts_core.options.drilldown

from typing import Optional, List

from validator_collection import validators

from highcharts_core import constants
from highcharts_core.decorators import validate_types, class_sensitive
from highcharts_core.metaclasses import HighchartsMeta
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.animation import AnimationOptions
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.breadcrumbs import BreadcrumbOptions
from highcharts_core.options.series.base import SeriesBase

[docs]class Drilldown(HighchartsMeta): """Options to configure :term:`drilldown` functionality in the chart, which enables users to inspect increasingly high resolution data by clicking on chart items like columns or pie slices. .. note:: The drilldown feature requires the ``drilldown.js`` file to be loaded in the browser/client. This file is found in the modules directory of the download package, or online at ` <>`_. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._active_axis_label_style = None self._active_data_label_style = None self._allow_point_drilldown = None self._animation = None self._breadcrumbs = None self._drillup_button = None self._series = None self.active_axis_label_style = kwargs.get('active_axis_label_style', None) self.active_data_label_style = kwargs.get('active_data_label_style', None) self.allow_point_drilldown = kwargs.get('allow_point_drilldown', None) self.animation = kwargs.get('animation', None) self.breadcrumbs = kwargs.get('breadcrumbs', None) self.drillup_button = kwargs.get('drillup_button', None) self.series = kwargs.get('series', None) @property def active_axis_label_style(self) -> Optional[dict]: """Additional styles to apply to the X axis label for a point that has drilldown data. By default, it is underlined and blue to invite to interaction. Defaults to: .. code-block:: python { "cursor": "pointer", "color": "#003399", "fontWeight": "bold", "textDecoration": "underline" } In styled mode, active label styles can be set with the ``.highcharts-drilldown-axis-label`` class. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` """ return self._active_axis_label_style @active_axis_label_style.setter def active_axis_label_style(self, value): self._active_axis_label_style = validators.dict(value, allow_empty = True) @property def active_data_label_style(self) -> Optional[dict]: """Additional styles to apply to the data label of a point that has drilldown data. By default, it is underlined and blue to invite to interaction. Defaults to: .. code-block:: python { 'color': '#003399', 'cursor': 'pointer', 'fontWeight': 'bold', 'textDecoration': 'underline' } In styled mode, active label styles can be set with the ``.highcharts-drilldown-data-label`` class. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` """ return self._active_data_label_style @active_data_label_style.setter def active_data_label_style(self, value): self._active_data_label_style = validators.dict(value, allow_empty = True) @property def allow_point_drilldown(self) -> Optional[bool]: """If ``False``, clicking a single point will drill down all points in the same category, equivalent to clicking the X axis label. If ``True``, clicking a single point will drill down on that specific point. Defaults to ``True``. :returns: Flag which determines whether to enable or disable point drilldown. :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._allow_point_drilldown @allow_point_drilldown.setter def allow_point_drilldown(self, value): if value is None: self._allow_point_drilldown = None else: self._allow_point_drilldown = bool(value) @property def animation(self) -> Optional[bool | AnimationOptions]: """Configures the animation for all drilldown. Animation of a drilldown occurs when drilling between a column point and a column series, or a pie slice and a full pie series. Drilldown can still be used between series and points of different types, but animation will not occur. The animation can be configured as either a boolean or a :class:`AnimationOptions` object. If ``True``, it will apply the ``'swing'`` jQuery easing and a duration of 500 ms by default. If used as a :class:`AnimationOptions` instance, you have more fine-grianed configuration control. :returns: Settings for the animation of image patterns. :rtype: :class:`AnimationOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._animation @animation.setter def animation(self, value): if value is None: self._animation = None elif value is False: self._animation = False elif value is True: self._animation = True else: self._animation = validate_types(value, types = AnimationOptions) @property def breadcrumbs(self) -> Optional[BreadcrumbOptions]: """Configuration for the breadcrumbs, the navigation at the top leading the way up through the drilldown levels. :rtype: :class:`BreadcrumbOptions` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._breadcrumbs @breadcrumbs.setter @class_sensitive(BreadcrumbOptions) def breadcrumbs(self, value): self._breadcrumbs = value @property def series(self) -> Optional[List[SeriesBase]]: """An array of series configurations for the drilldown. These drilldown series are hidden by default. The drilldown series is linked to the parent series' point by its id. :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`SeriesBase` """ return self._series @series.setter @class_sensitive(SeriesBase, force_iterable = True) def series(self, value): self._series = value @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'active_axis_label_style': as_dict.get('activeAxisLabelStyle', None), 'active_data_label_style': as_dict.get('activeDataLabelStyle', None), 'allow_point_drilldown': as_dict.get('allowPointDrilldown', None), 'animation': as_dict.get('animation', None), 'breadcrumbs': as_dict.get('breadcrumbs', None), 'series': as_dict.get('series', None) } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'activeAxisLabelStyle': self.active_axis_label_style, 'activeDataLabelStyle': self.active_data_label_style, 'allowPointDrilldown': self.allow_point_drilldown, 'animation': self.animation, 'breadcrumbs': self.breadcrumbs, 'series': self.series } return untrimmed