from typing import Optional
from decimal import Decimal
from validator_collection import validators
from highcharts_core import errors, constants
from highcharts_core.decorators import class_sensitive
from highcharts_core.metaclasses import HighchartsMeta
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.data_labels import DataLabel
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.gradients import Gradient
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.patterns import Pattern
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.states import States
[docs]class BaseLevelOptions(HighchartsMeta):
"""Base class from which other Level Options classes inherit."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._border_color = None
self._border_width = None
self._data_labels = None
self._level = None
self.border_color = kwargs.get('border_color', None)
self.border_width = kwargs.get('border_width', None)
self.data_labels = kwargs.get('data_labels', None)
self.level = kwargs.get('level', None)
def border_color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]:
"""The color of the border surrounding each column or bar. Defaults to
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._border_color
def border_color(self, value):
from highcharts_core import utility_functions
self._border_color = utility_functions.validate_color(value)
def border_width(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""The width of the border surrounding each column or bar. If
:obj:`None <python:None>`, defaults to ``1`` when there is room for a border, but
to ``0`` when the columns are so dense that a border would cover the next column.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._border_width
def border_width(self, value):
self._border_width = validators.numeric(value,
allow_empty = True,
minimum = 0)
def data_labels(self) -> Optional[DataLabel]:
"""Options for the series data labels, appearing next to each data point.
:rtype: :class:`DataLabel` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._data_labels
def data_labels(self, value):
self._data_labels = value
def level(self) -> Optional[int]:
"""Decides which level takes effect from the options set in the levels object.
:rtype: :class:`int <python:int>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._level
def level(self, value):
self._level = validators.integer(value, allow_empty = True)
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None),
'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None),
'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None),
'level': as_dict.get('level', None)
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'borderColor': self.border_color,
'borderWidth': self.border_width,
'dataLabels': self.data_labels,
'level': self.level
return untrimmed
[docs]class LevelOptions(BaseLevelOptions):
"""Set options on specific levels. Takes precedence over series options, but not
node and link options."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._color_by_point = None
self._link_opacity = None
self._states = None
self.color_by_point = kwargs.get('color_by_point', None)
self.link_opacity = kwargs.get('link_opacity', None)
self.states = kwargs.get('states', None)
def color_by_point(self) -> Optional[bool]:
"""When using automatic point colors pulled from the global colors or
series-specific collections, this option determines whether the chart should
receive one color per series (``False``) or one color per point (``True``).
Defaults to ``True``.
:rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._color_by_point
def color_by_point(self, value):
if value is None:
self._color_by_point = None
self._color_by_point = bool(value)
def link_opacity(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""Opacity for the links between nodes in sankey or similar diagrams. Defaults to
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._link_opacity
def link_opacity(self, value):
self._link_opacity = validators.numeric(value,
allow_empty = True,
minimum = 0)
def states(self) -> Optional[States]:
"""Configuration for state-specific configuration to apply to the data series.
:rtype: :class:`States` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._states
def states(self, value):
self._states = value
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None),
'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None),
'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None),
'level': as_dict.get('level', None),
'color_by_point': as_dict.get('colorByPoint', None),
'link_opacity': as_dict.get('linkOpacity', None),
'states': as_dict.get('states', None)
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'colorByPoint': self.color_by_point,
'dataLabels': self.data_labels,
'linkOpacity': self.link_opacity,
'states': self.states
parent_as_dict = super()._to_untrimmed_dict(in_cls = in_cls)
for key in parent_as_dict:
untrimmed[key] = parent_as_dict[key]
return untrimmed
[docs]class ColorVariation(HighchartsMeta):
"""Configuration for a color variation to apply to all points on a level."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._key = None
self._to = None
self.key = kwargs.get('key', None) = kwargs.get('to', None)
def key(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The key of a color variation. Currently only supports ``'brightness'``.
Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._key
def key(self, value):
self._key = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)
def to(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""The ending value of a color variation. The last sibling will receive this
value. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._to
def to(self, value):
self._to = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'key': as_dict.get('key', None),
'to': as_dict.get('to', None)
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'key': self.key,
return untrimmed
[docs]class LevelSize(HighchartsMeta):
"""Determines the width of the ring per level."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._unit = None
self._value = None
self.unit = kwargs.get('unit', None)
self.value = kwargs.get('value', None)
def unit(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Indication of how to interpret :meth:`LevelSize.value`. Defaults to
Accepts the following options:
* ``'percentage'`` - gives a width relative to result of outer radius minus
inner radius
* ``'pixels'`` - gives the ring a fixed width in pixels
* ``'weight'`` - takes the remaining width after percentage and pixels, and
distributes it accross all "weighted" levels. The value relative to the sum of
all weights determines the width.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._unit
def unit(self, value):
if not value:
self._unit = None
value = validators.string(value)
value = value.lower()
if value not in ['percentage', 'pixels', 'weight']:
raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'unit expects "weight", "pixels", or '
f'"percentage". Received: {value}')
self._unit = value
def value(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
"""The value used for calculating the width of the ring. Defaults to ``1``.
.. note::
The interpretation of this value is determined by :meth:`LevelSize.unit`.
:rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._value
def value(self, value_):
self._value = validators.numeric(value_, allow_empty = True)
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'unit': as_dict.get('unit', None),
'value': as_dict.get('value', None)
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'unit': self.unit,
'value': self.value
return untrimmed
[docs]class SunburstLevelOptions(BaseLevelOptions):
"""Set options on specific levels for Sunburst Charts. Takes precedence over series
options, but not node and link options."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._border_dash_style = None
self._color = None
self._color_variation = None
self._level_size = None
self.border_dash_style = kwargs.get('border_dash_style', None)
self.color = kwargs.get('color', None)
self.color_variation = kwargs.get('color_variation', None)
self.level_size = kwargs.get('level_size', None)
def border_dash_style(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The dash style applied to all points which lie on the same level. Defaults to
:obj:`None <python:None>`.
Accepts one of the following values:
* 'Dash',
* 'DashDot',
* 'Dot',
* 'LongDash',
* 'LongDashDot',
* 'LongDashDotDot',
* 'ShortDash',
* 'ShortDashDot',
* 'ShortDashDotDot',
* 'ShortDot',
* 'Solid'
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._border_dash_style
def border_dash_style(self, value):
if not value:
self._border_dash_style = None
value = validators.string(value)
if value not in constants.SUPPORTED_DASH_STYLE_VALUES:
raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'border_dash_style expects a '
f'recognized value, but received: '
self._border_dash_style = value
def color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]:
"""Set a color on all points which lies on the same level. Defaults to
:obj:`None <python:None>`.
:rtype: :obj:`None <python:None>`, :class:`Gradient`, :class:`Pattern`, or
:class:`str <python:str>`
return self._color
def color(self, value):
from highcharts_core import utility_functions
self._color = utility_functions.validate_color(value)
def color_variation(self) -> Optional[ColorVariation]:
"""Set a color variation on all points which lie on the same level. Defaults to
:obj:`None <python:None>`.
:rtype: :class:`ColorVariation` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._color_variation
def color_variation(self, value):
self._color_variation = value
def level_size(self) -> Optional[LevelSize]:
"""Set the width of the ring for all points which lie on the same level. Defaults
to :obj:`None <python:None>`.
:rtype: :class:`LevelSize` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._level_size
def level_size(self, value):
self._level_size = value
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None),
'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None),
'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None),
'level': as_dict.get('level', None),
'border_dash_style': as_dict.get('borderDashStyle', None),
'color': as_dict.get('color', None),
'color_variation': as_dict.get('colorVariation', None),
'level_size': as_dict.get('levelSize', None)
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'borderDashStyle': self.border_dash_style,
'color': self.color,
'colorVariation': self.color_variation,
'levelSize': self.level_size
parent_as_dict = super()._to_untrimmed_dict(in_cls = in_cls)
for key in parent_as_dict:
untrimmed[key] = parent_as_dict[key]
return untrimmed
[docs]class TreemapLevelOptions(BaseLevelOptions):
"""Set options on specific levels for Treemap Charts. Takes precedence over series
options, but not node and link options."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._border_dash_style = None
self._color = None
self._color_variation = None
self._layout_algoritm = None
self._layout_starting_direction = None
self.border_dash_style = kwargs.get('border_dash_style', None)
self.color = kwargs.get('color', None)
self.color_variation = kwargs.get('color_variation', None)
self.layout_algorithm = kwargs.get('layout_algorithm', None)
self.layout_starting_direction = kwargs.get('layout_starting_direction', None)
def border_dash_style(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""The dash style applied to all points which lie on the same level. Defaults to
:obj:`None <python:None>`.
Accepts one of the following values:
* 'Dash',
* 'DashDot',
* 'Dot',
* 'LongDash',
* 'LongDashDot',
* 'LongDashDotDot',
* 'ShortDash',
* 'ShortDashDot',
* 'ShortDashDotDot',
* 'ShortDot',
* 'Solid'
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._border_dash_style
def border_dash_style(self, value):
if not value:
self._border_dash_style = None
value = validators.string(value)
if value not in constants.SUPPORTED_DASH_STYLE_VALUES:
raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'border_dash_style expects a '
f'recognized value, but received: '
self._border_dash_style = value
def color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]:
"""Set a color on all points which lies on the same level. Defaults to
:obj:`None <python:None>`.
:rtype: :obj:`None <python:None>`, :class:`Gradient`, :class:`Pattern`, or
:class:`str <python:str>`
return self._color
def color(self, value):
from highcharts_core import utility_functions
self._color = utility_functions.validate_color(value)
def color_variation(self) -> Optional[ColorVariation]:
"""Set a color variation on all points which lie on the same level. Defaults to
:obj:`None <python:None>`.
:rtype: :class:`ColorVariation` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._color_variation
def color_variation(self, value):
self._color_variation = value
def layout_algorithm(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""This option decides which algorithm is used for setting position and dimensions
of the points. Defaults to ``'sliceAndDice'``.
Accepts the following (case-sensitive) values:
* ``'sliceAndDice'``
* ``'stripes'``
* ``'squarified'``
* ``'strip'``
.. note::
You also have the ability to extend Highcharts with your own layout algorithm.
For more information, read the
`original JavaScript documentation <>`__.
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._layout_algorithm
def layout_algorithm(self, value):
self._layout_algorithm = validators.variable_name(value, allow_empty = True)
def layout_starting_direction(self) -> Optional[str]:
"""Defines which direction the layout algorithm will start drawing. Defaults to
* ``'vertical'``
* ``'horizontal'``
:rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
return self._layout_starting_direction
def layout_starting_direction(self, value):
if not value:
self._layout_starting_direction = None
value = validators.string(value)
value = value.lower()
if value not in ['vertical', 'horizontal']:
raise errors.HighchartsError(f'layout_starting_direction expects either '
f'"vertical" or "horizontal". Received: '
self._layout_starting_direction = value
def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
kwargs = {
'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None),
'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None),
'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None),
'level': as_dict.get('level', None),
'border_dash_style': as_dict.get('borderDashStyle', None),
'color': as_dict.get('color', None),
'color_variation': as_dict.get('colorVariation', None),
'layout_algorithm': as_dict.get('layoutAlgorithm', None),
'layout_starting_direction': as_dict.get('layoutStartingDirection', None)
return kwargs
def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
untrimmed = {
'borderDashStyle': self.border_dash_style,
'color': self.color,
'colorVariation': self.color_variation,
'layoutAlgorithm': self.layout_algorithm,
'layoutStartingDirection': self.layout_starting_direction
parent_as_dict = super()._to_untrimmed_dict(in_cls = in_cls)
for key in parent_as_dict:
untrimmed[key] = parent_as_dict[key]
return untrimmed