Source code for highcharts_core.options.plot_options.pie

from typing import Optional, List
from decimal import Decimal

from validator_collection import validators

from highcharts_core import constants, errors, utility_functions
from highcharts_core.options.plot_options.generic import GenericTypeOptions
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.gradients import Gradient
from highcharts_core.utility_classes.patterns import Pattern

class PieOptions(GenericTypeOptions):
    """General options to apply to all Pie series types.

    A pie chart is a circular graphic which is divided into slices to illustrate
    numerical proportion.

    .. tabs::

      .. tab:: Pie Chart

        .. figure:: ../../../_static/pie-example.png
          :alt: Pie Example Chart
          :align: center

      .. tab:: Donut Chart

        .. figure:: ../../../_static/pie-example-donut.png
          :alt: Donut Example Chart
          :align: center


    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self._border_color = None
        self._border_radius = None
        self._border_width = None
        self._center = None
        self._color_axis = None
        self._color_index = None
        self._color_key = None
        self._colors = None
        self._depth = None
        self._end_angle = None
        self._fill_color = None
        self._ignore_hidden_point = None
        self._inner_size = None
        self._legend_symbol = None
        self._linecap = None
        self._min_size = None
        self._size = None
        self._sliced_offset = None
        self._start_angle = None
        self._thickness = None

        self.border_color = kwargs.get('border_color', None)
        self.border_radius = kwargs.get('border_radius', None)
        self.border_width = kwargs.get('border_width', None) = kwargs.get('center', None)
        self.color_axis = kwargs.get('color_axis', None)
        self.color_index = kwargs.get('color_index', None)
        self.color_key = kwargs.get('color_key', None)
        self.colors = kwargs.get('colors', None)
        self.depth = kwargs.get('depth', None)
        self.end_angle = kwargs.get('end_angle', None)
        self.fill_color = kwargs.get('fill_color', None)
        self.ignore_hidden_point = kwargs.get('ignore_hidden_point', None)
        self.inner_size = kwargs.get('inner_size', None)
        self.legend_symbol = kwargs.get('legend_symbol', None)
        self.linecap = kwargs.get('linecap', None)
        self.min_size = kwargs.get('min_size', None)
        self.size = kwargs.get('size', None)
        self.sliced_offset = kwargs.get('sliced_offset', None)
        self.start_angle = kwargs.get('start_angle', None)
        self.thickness = kwargs.get('thickness', None)


    def border_color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]:
        """The color of the border surrounding each slice. When :obj:`None <python:None>`,
        the border takes the same color as the slice fill. This can be used together with
        a :meth:`border_width <PieOptions.border_width>` to fill drawing gaps created by
        antialiazing artefacts in borderless pies. Defaults to ``'#ffffff'``.

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._border_color

    def border_color(self, value):
        from highcharts_core import utility_functions
        self._border_color = utility_functions.validate_color(value)

    def border_radius(self) -> Optional[str | int | float | Decimal]:
        .. versionadded:: Highcharts Core for Python v.1.1.0 / Highcharts Core (JS) v.11.0.0
          The corner radius of the border surrounding each slice. Defaults to ``3``.
          .. note::
            A numerical value signifies the value is expressed in pixels. A percentage string like `50%`
            signifies a size relative to the radius and the inner radius.
        :rtype: numeric, :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._border_radius

    def border_radius(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._border_radius = None
                value = validators.string(value)
                if '%' not in value:
                    raise ValueError
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                value = validators.numeric(value, minimum = 0)

            self._border_radius = value

    def border_width(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
        """The width of the border surrounding each slice. Defaults to ``1``.

        When setting the border width to ``0``, there may be small gaps between the slices
        due to SVG antialiasing artefacts. To work around this, keep the border width at
        ``0.5`` or ``1``, but set the :meth:`border_color <PieOptions.border_color>` to
        :obj:`None <python:None>` instead.

        :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._border_width

    def border_width(self, value):
        self._border_width = validators.numeric(value,
                                                allow_empty = True,
                                                minimum = 0)

    def center(self) -> Optional[List[str | int | float | Decimal | constants.EnforcedNullType]]:
        """The center of the pie chart relative to the plot area.

        Can be percentages or pixel values. The default behaviour if
        :obj:`None <python:None>` is to center the pie so that all slices and data labels
        are within the plot area. As a consequence, the pie may actually jump around in a
        chart with dynamic values, as the data labels move. In that case, the center
        should be explicitly set, for example to ``["50%", "50%"]``.

        Defaults to ``['50%', '50%']``.

        :rtype: :obj:`None <python:None>` or :class:`list <python:list>` of numeric or
          :class:`str <python:str>` values
        return self._center

    def center(self, value):
        if not value:
            self._center = None
            value = validators.iterable(value)
            if len(value) != 2:
                raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'center expects a 2-member array. '
                                                  f'Received a {len(value)}-member '
            processed_values = []
            for item in value:
                    item = validators.string(item)
                    if '%' not in item:
                        raise errors.HighchartsValueError('center expects an array of '
                                                          'numbers or percentage strings.'
                                                          ' No "%" character found.')
                except TypeError:
                    item = validators.numeric(item)


            self._center = processed_values

    def color_axis(self) -> Optional[str | int | bool]:
        """When using dual or multiple color axes, this setting defines which
        :term:`color axis` the particular series is connected to. It refers to either the
        :meth:`` or the index of the axis in the :class:`ColorAxis` array,
        with ``0`` being the first. Set this option to ``False`` to prevent a series from
        connecting to the default color axis.

        Defaults to ``0``.

        :rtype: :obj:`None <python:None>` or :class:`str <python:str>` or
          :class:`int <python:int>` or :class:`bool <python:bool>`
        return self._color_axis

    def color_axis(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._color_axis = None
        elif value is False:
            self._color_axis = False
                self._color_axis = validators.string(value)
            except TypeError:
                self._color_axis = validators.integer(value,
                                                      minimum = 0)

    def color_index(self) -> Optional[int]:
        """When operating in :term:`styled mode`, a specific color index to use for the
        series, so that its graphic representations are given the class name

        Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.

        :rtype: :class:`int <python:int>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._color_index

    def color_index(self, value):
        self._color_index = validators.integer(value,
                                               allow_empty = True,
                                               minimum = 0)

    def color_key(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Determines what data value should be used to calculate point color if
        :meth:`PieOptions.color_axis` is used.

        .. note::

          Requires to set ``min`` and ``max`` if some custom point property is used or if
          approximation for data grouping is set to ``'sum'``.

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._color_key

    def color_key(self, value):
        self._color_key = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)

    def colors(self) -> Optional[List[str | Gradient | Pattern]]:
        """A series-specific or series type-specific color set to apply instead of the
        global colors when :meth:`ArcDiagramOptions.color_by_point` is ``True``.

        :rtype: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>`,
          :class:`Gradient`, or :class:`Pattern` OR :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._colors

    def colors(self, value):
        if not value:
            self._colors = None
            value = validators.iterable(value)
            self._colors = [utility_functions.validate_color(x) for x in value]

    def depth(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
        """The thickness of a 3D pie. Defaults to ``0``.

        :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._depth

    def depth(self, value):
        self._depth = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)

    def end_angle(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
        """The end angle of the pie in degrees where 0 is top and 90 is right.
        Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`, which is equivalent to
        :meth:`start_angle <PieOptions.start_angle>` plus ``360``.

        :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._end_angle

    def end_angle(self, value):
        self._end_angle = validators.numeric(value,
                                             allow_empty = True,
                                             minimum = -360,
                                             maximum = 360)

    def fill_color(self) -> Optional[str | Gradient | Pattern]:
        """If the total sum of the pie's values is ``0``, the series is represented as an
        empty circle . The ``fill_color`` setting defines the color of that circle.
        Use :meth:`PieOptions.border_width` to set the border thickness.

        Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.

        :rtype: :obj:`None <python:None>`, :class:`Gradient`, or :class:`Pattern`
        return self._fill_color

    def fill_color(self, value):
        from highcharts_core import utility_functions
        self._fill_color = utility_functions.validate_color(value)

    def ignore_hidden_point(self) -> Optional[bool]:
        """If ``True``, the series shall be redrawn as if the hidden points were ``null``.
        If ``False``, hidden points will not be displayed but the slice will still be
        drawn as a gap in the pie.

        Defaults to ``True``.

        :rtype: :class:`bool <python:bool>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._ignore_hidden_point

    def ignore_hidden_point(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._ignore_hidden_point = None
            self._ignore_hidden_point = bool(value)

    def inner_size(self) -> Optional[str | int]:
        """The size of the inner diameter for the pie, expressed as a percentage or pixel
        value. Defaults to ``0``.

        .. hint::

          A size greater than 0 renders a donut chart.

        .. note::

          Percentages are relative to the pie size. Pixel values are given as integers.

        .. warning::

          If :meth:`PieOptions.thickness` is set, this value will be overridden by the
          ``thickness`` setting.

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`, :class:`int <python:int>`, or
          :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._inner_size

    def inner_size(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._inner_size = None
                value = validators.string(value)
                if '%' not in value:
                    raise errors.HighchartsValueError('inner_size expects a number or '
                                                      'percentage ("%") string. No "%" '
                                                      'character found.')
            except TypeError:
                value = validators.integer(value, minimum = 0)

            self._inner_size = value

    def linecap(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """The SVG value used for the ``stroke-linecap`` and ``stroke-linejoin`` of a line
        graph. Defaults to ``'round'``, which means that lines are rounded in the ends and

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._linecap

    def linecap(self, value):
        self._linecap = validators.string(value, allow_empty = True)

    def min_size(self) -> Optional[str | int | float | Decimal]:
        """The minimum size for a pie in response to auto margins, expressed in pixels or
        percentages. Defaults to ``80``.

        .. note::

          The pie will try to shrink to make room for data labels in side the plot area,
          but only to this size.

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`, :class:`int <python:int>`, or
          :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._min_size

    def min_size(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._min_size = None
                value = validators.string(value)
                if '%' not in value:
                    raise errors.HighchartsValueError('min_size expects a number or a '
                                                      'percentage string. No "%" '
                                                      'character found.')
            except TypeError:
                value = validators.numeric(value, minimum = 0)

            self._min_size = value

    def size(self) -> Optional[str | int]:
        """The diameter of the pie relative to the plot area, expressed as a percentage or
        pixel value given as an integer.

        If :obj:`None <python:None>`, scales the pie to the plot area and gives room for
        data labels within the plot area.

        .. note::

          :meth:`PieOptions.sliced_offset` is also included in the default size
          calculation. As a consequence, the size of the pie may vary when points are
          updated and data labels more around. In that case it is best to set a fixed
          value, for example ``"75%"``.

        :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`, :class:`int <python:int>`, or
          :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._size

    def size(self, value):
        if value is None:
            self._size = None
                value = validators.string(value)
                if '%' not in value:
                    raise errors.HighchartsValueError('size expects a number or a '
                                                      'percentage string. No "%" '
                                                      'character found.')
            except TypeError:
                value = validators.integer(value, minimum = 0)

            self._size = value

    def sliced_offset(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
        """If a point is sliced, moved out from the center, how many pixels should it be
        moved? Defaults to ``10``.

        :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._sliced_offset

    def sliced_offset(self, value):
        self._sliced_offset = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True)

    def start_angle(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]:
        """The start angle of the dependency wheel, in degrees where ``0`` is up. Defaults
        to ``0``.

        :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._start_angle

    def start_angle(self, value):
        self._start_angle = validators.numeric(value,
                                               allow_empty = True,
                                               minimum = -360,
                                               maximum = 360)

    def thickness(self) -> Optional[int]:
        """Thickness describing the ring size for a donut type chart, overriding
        :meth:`PieOptions.inner_size`. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`.

        :rtype: :class:`int <python:int>` or :obj:`None <python:None>`
        return self._thickness

    def thickness(self, value):
        self._thickness = validators.integer(value,
                                             allow_empty = True,
                                             minimum = 0)

    def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict):
        kwargs = {
            'accessibility': as_dict.get('accessibility', None),
            'allow_point_select': as_dict.get('allowPointSelect', None),
            'animation': as_dict.get('animation', None),
            'class_name': as_dict.get('className', None),
            'clip': as_dict.get('clip', None),
            'color': as_dict.get('color', None),
            'cursor': as_dict.get('cursor', None),
            'custom': as_dict.get('custom', None),
            'dash_style': as_dict.get('dashStyle', None),
            'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None),
            'description': as_dict.get('description', None),
            'enable_mouse_tracking': as_dict.get('enableMouseTracking', None),
            'events': as_dict.get('events', None),
            'include_in_data_export': as_dict.get('includeInDataExport', None),
            'keys': as_dict.get('keys', None),
            'label': as_dict.get('label', None),
            'legend_symbol': as_dict.get('legendSymbol', None),
            'linked_to': as_dict.get('linkedTo', None),
            'marker': as_dict.get('marker', None),
            'on_point': as_dict.get('onPoint', None),
            'opacity': as_dict.get('opacity', None),
            'point': as_dict.get('point', None),
            'point_description_formatter': as_dict.get('pointDescriptionFormatter', None),
            'selected': as_dict.get('selected', None),
            'show_checkbox': as_dict.get('showCheckbox', None),
            'show_in_legend': as_dict.get('showInLegend', None),
            'skip_keyboard_navigation': as_dict.get('skipKeyboardNavigation', None),
            'sonification': as_dict.get('sonification', None),
            'states': as_dict.get('states', None),
            'sticky_tracking': as_dict.get('stickyTracking', None),
            'threshold': as_dict.get('threshold', None),
            'tooltip': as_dict.get('tooltip', None),
            'turbo_threshold': as_dict.get('turboThreshold', None),
            'visible': as_dict.get('visible', None),

            'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None),
            'border_radius': as_dict.get('borderRadius', None),
            'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None),
            'center': as_dict.get('center', None),
            'color_axis': as_dict.get('colorAxis', None),
            'color_index': as_dict.get('colorIndex', None),
            'color_key': as_dict.get('colorKey', None),
            'colors': as_dict.get('colors', None),
            'depth': as_dict.get('depth', None),
            'end_angle': as_dict.get('endAngle', None),
            'fill_color': as_dict.get('fillColor', None),
            'ignore_hidden_point': as_dict.get('ignoreHiddenPoint', None),
            'inner_size': as_dict.get('innerSize', None),
            'linecap': as_dict.get('linecap', None),
            'min_size': as_dict.get('minSize', None),
            'size': as_dict.get('size', None),
            'sliced_offset': as_dict.get('slicedOffset', None),
            'start_angle': as_dict.get('startAngle', None),
            'thickness': as_dict.get('thickness', None),

        return kwargs

    def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict:
        untrimmed = {
            'borderColor': self.border_color,
            'borderRadius': self.border_radius,
            'borderWidth': self.border_width,
            'colorAxis': self.color_axis,
            'colorIndex': self.color_index,
            'colorKey': self.color_key,
            'colors': self.colors,
            'depth': self.depth,
            'endAngle': self.end_angle,
            'fillColor': self.fill_color,
            'ignoreHiddenPoint': self.ignore_hidden_point,
            'innerSize': self.inner_size,
            'linecap': self.linecap,
            'minSize': self.min_size,
            'size': self.size,
            'slicedOffset': self.sliced_offset,
            'startAngle': self.start_angle,
            'thickness': self.thickness
        parent_as_dict = super()._to_untrimmed_dict(in_cls = in_cls)

        for key in parent_as_dict:
            untrimmed[key] = parent_as_dict[key]

        return untrimmed

[docs]class VariablePieOptions(PieOptions): """General options to apply to all Variable Pie series types. A variable pie series is a two dimensional series type, where each point renders an Y and Z value. Each point is drawn as a pie slice where the size (arc) of the slice relates to the Y value and the radius of pie slice relates to the Z value. .. figure:: ../../../_static/variablepie-example.png :alt: Variable Pie Example Chart :align: center """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._max_point_size = None self._min_point_size = None self._size_by = None self._z_max = None self._z_min = None self.max_point_size = kwargs.get('max_point_size', None) self.min_point_size = kwargs.get('min_point_size', None) self.size_by = kwargs.get('size_by', None) self.z_max = kwargs.get('z_max', None) self.z_min = kwargs.get('z_min', None) super().__init__(**kwargs) @property def max_point_size(self) -> Optional[str | int | float | Decimal]: """The maximum size of the points' radius in relation to the chart's plot area. If a number is provided, it applies in pixels. Defaults to ``'100%'``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`, numeric, or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._max_point_size @max_point_size.setter def max_point_size(self, value): if value is None: self._max_point_size = None else: try: value = validators.string(value) if '%' not in value: raise errors.HighchartsValueError('max_point_size expects a number ' 'or a % string. No "%" character.') except TypeError: value = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) self._max_point_size = value @property def min_point_size(self) -> Optional[str | int | float | Decimal]: """The minimum size of the points' radius in relation to the chart's plot area. If a number is provided, it applies in pixels. Defaults to ``'10%'``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>`, numeric, or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._min_point_size @min_point_size.setter def min_point_size(self, value): if value is None: self._min_point_size = None else: try: value = validators.string(value) if '%' not in value: raise errors.HighchartsValueError('min_point_size expects a number ' 'or a % string. No "%" character.') except TypeError: value = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) self._min_point_size = value @property def size_by(self) -> Optional[str]: """Whether the pie slice's value should be represented by the ``'area'`` or the ``'radius'`` of the slice. Defaults to ``'area'``. .. hint:: The default (``'area'``) corresponds best to the human perception of the size of each pie slice. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._size_by @size_by.setter def size_by(self, value): if not value: self._size_by = None else: value = validators.string(value) value = value.lower() if value not in ['area', 'radius']: raise errors.HighchartsValueError(f'size_by expects either "area", or ' f'"radius". Received: {value}') self._size_by = value @property def z_max(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """The maximum possible z value for the point's radius calculation. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If the point's Z value is bigger than ``z_max``, the slice will be drawn according to the ``z_max`` value. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._z_max @z_max.setter def z_max(self, value): self._z_max = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) @property def z_min(self) -> Optional[int | float | Decimal]: """The minimum possible z value for the point's radius calculation. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. .. note:: If the point's Z value is smaller than ``z_min``, the slice will be drawn according to the ``z_min`` value. :rtype: numeric or :obj:`None <python:None>` """ return self._z_min @z_min.setter def z_min(self, value): self._z_min = validators.numeric(value, allow_empty = True) @classmethod def _get_kwargs_from_dict(cls, as_dict): kwargs = { 'accessibility': as_dict.get('accessibility', None), 'allow_point_select': as_dict.get('allowPointSelect', None), 'animation': as_dict.get('animation', None), 'class_name': as_dict.get('className', None), 'clip': as_dict.get('clip', None), 'color': as_dict.get('color', None), 'cursor': as_dict.get('cursor', None), 'custom': as_dict.get('custom', None), 'dash_style': as_dict.get('dashStyle', None), 'data_labels': as_dict.get('dataLabels', None), 'description': as_dict.get('description', None), 'enable_mouse_tracking': as_dict.get('enableMouseTracking', None), 'events': as_dict.get('events', None), 'include_in_data_export': as_dict.get('includeInDataExport', None), 'keys': as_dict.get('keys', None), 'label': as_dict.get('label', None), 'legend_symbol': as_dict.get('legendSymbol', None), 'linked_to': as_dict.get('linkedTo', None), 'marker': as_dict.get('marker', None), 'on_point': as_dict.get('onPoint', None), 'opacity': as_dict.get('opacity', None), 'point': as_dict.get('point', None), 'point_description_formatter': as_dict.get('pointDescriptionFormatter', None), 'selected': as_dict.get('selected', None), 'show_checkbox': as_dict.get('showCheckbox', None), 'show_in_legend': as_dict.get('showInLegend', None), 'skip_keyboard_navigation': as_dict.get('skipKeyboardNavigation', None), 'sonification': as_dict.get('sonification', None), 'states': as_dict.get('states', None), 'sticky_tracking': as_dict.get('stickyTracking', None), 'threshold': as_dict.get('threshold', None), 'tooltip': as_dict.get('tooltip', None), 'turbo_threshold': as_dict.get('turboThreshold', None), 'visible': as_dict.get('visible', None), 'border_color': as_dict.get('borderColor', None), 'border_radius': as_dict.get('borderRadius', None), 'border_width': as_dict.get('borderWidth', None), 'center': as_dict.get('center', None), 'color_axis': as_dict.get('colorAxis', None), 'color_index': as_dict.get('colorIndex', None), 'color_key': as_dict.get('colorKey', None), 'colors': as_dict.get('colors', None), 'depth': as_dict.get('depth', None), 'end_angle': as_dict.get('endAngle', None), 'fill_color': as_dict.get('fillColor', None), 'ignore_hidden_point': as_dict.get('ignoreHiddenPoint', None), 'inner_size': as_dict.get('innerSize', None), 'linecap': as_dict.get('linecap', None), 'min_size': as_dict.get('minSize', None), 'size': as_dict.get('size', None), 'sliced_offset': as_dict.get('slicedOffset', None), 'start_angle': as_dict.get('startAngle', None), 'thickness': as_dict.get('thickness', None), 'max_point_size': as_dict.get('maxPointSize', None), 'min_point_size': as_dict.get('minPointSize', None), 'size_by': as_dict.get('sizeBy', None), 'z_max': as_dict.get('zMax', None), 'z_min': as_dict.get('zMin', None) } return kwargs def _to_untrimmed_dict(self, in_cls = None) -> dict: untrimmed = { 'maxPointSize': self.max_point_size, 'minPointSize': self.min_point_size, 'sizeBy': self.size_by, 'zMax': self.z_max, 'zMin': self.z_min } parent_as_dict = super()._to_untrimmed_dict(in_cls = in_cls) for key in parent_as_dict: untrimmed[key] = parent_as_dict[key] return untrimmed