
class: MapLineOptions

class MapLineOptions(**kwargs)[source]

Map Lines are a special version of a map series where the value affects the the strokes (borders) shown on the map, rather than the area fills.

Mapline Example chart


Best practice!

This can be useful for applying free-form drawing within a map, or for rendering geometric features like rivers or mountains in your map.

Class Inheritance
Inheritance diagram of MapLineOptions

copy(other=None, overwrite=True, **kwargs)

Copy the configuration settings from this instance to the other instance.

  • other (HighchartsMeta) – The target instance to which the properties of this instance should be copied. If None, will create a new instance and populate it with properties copied from self. Defaults to None.

  • overwrite (bool) – if True, properties in other that are already set will be overwritten by their counterparts in self. Defaults to True.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments. Some special descendents of HighchartsMeta may have special implementations of this method which rely on additional keyword arguments.


A mutated version of other with new property values

classmethod from_dict(as_dict: dict, allow_snake_case: bool = True)

Construct an instance of the class from a dict object.

  • as_dict (dict) – A dict representation of the object.

  • allow_snake_case (bool) – If True, interprets snake_case keys as equivalent to camelCase keys. Defaults to True.


A Python object representation of as_dict.

Return type:


classmethod from_js_literal(as_str_or_file, allow_snake_case: bool = True, _break_loop_on_failure: bool = False)

Return a Python object representation of a Highcharts JavaScript object literal.

  • as_str_or_file (str) – The JavaScript object literal, represented either as a str or as a filename which contains the JS object literal.

  • allow_snake_case (bool) – If True, interprets snake_case keys as equivalent to camelCase keys. Defaults to True.

  • _break_loop_on_failure (bool) – If True, will break any looping operations in the event of a failure. Otherwise, will attempt to repair the failure. Defaults to False.


A Python object representation of the Highcharts JavaScript object literal.

Return type:


classmethod from_json(as_json_or_file, allow_snake_case: bool = True)

Construct an instance of the class from a JSON string.

  • as_json_or_file – The JSON string for the object or the filename of a file that contains the JSON string.

  • allow_snake_case (bool) – If True, interprets snake_case keys as equivalent to camelCase keys. Defaults to True.


A Python objcet representation of as_json.

Return type:


get_required_modules(include_extension=False) List[str]

Return the list of URLs from which the Highcharts JavaScript modules needed to render the chart can be retrieved.


include_extension (bool) – if True, will return script names with the '.js' extension included. Defaults to False.

Return type:

list of str

to_dict() dict

Generate a dict representation of the object compatible with the Highcharts JavaScript library.


The dict representation has a property structure and naming convention that is intentionally consistent with the Highcharts JavaScript library. This is not Pythonic, but it makes managing the interplay between the two languages much, much simpler.


A dict representation of the object.

Return type:


to_js_literal(filename=None, encoding='utf-8', careful_validation=False) str | None

Return the object represented as a str containing the JavaScript object literal.

  • filename (Path-like) – The name of a file to which the JavaScript object literal should be persisted. Defaults to None

  • encoding (str) – The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to 'utf-8'.

  • careful_validation – if True, will carefully validate JavaScript values

along the way using the esprima-python library. Defaults to False.


Setting this value to True will significantly degrade serialization performance, though it may prove useful for debugging purposes.

Return type:

str or None

to_json(filename=None, encoding='utf-8', for_export: bool = False)

Generate a JSON string/byte string representation of the object compatible with the Highcharts JavaScript library.


This method will either return a standard str or a bytes object depending on the JSON serialization library you are using. For example, if your environment has orjson, the result will be a bytes representation of the string.

  • filename (Path-like) – The name of a file to which the JSON string should be persisted. Defaults to None

  • encoding (str) – The character encoding to apply to the resulting object. Defaults to 'utf-8'.

  • for_export (bool) – If True, indicates that the method is being run to produce a JSON for consumption by the export server. Defaults to False.


A JSON representation of the object compatible with the Highcharts library.

Return type:

str or bytes

static trim_dict(untrimmed: dict, to_json: bool = False, context: str = None, for_export: bool = False) dict

Remove keys from untrimmed whose values are None and convert values that have .to_dict() methods.

  • untrimmed (dict) – The dict whose values may still be None or Python objects.

  • to_json (bool) – If True, will remove all keys from untrimmed that are not serializable to JSON. Defaults to False.

  • context (str or None) – If provided, will inform the method of the context in which it is being run which may inform special handling cases (e.g. where empty strings may be important / allowable). Defaults to None.

  • for_export (bool) – If True, indicates that the method is being run to produce a JSON for consumption by the export server. Defaults to False.


Trimmed dict

Return type:


static trim_iterable(untrimmed, to_json=False, context: str = None, for_export: bool = False)

Convert any EnforcedNullType values in untrimmed to 'null'.

  • untrimmed (iterable) – The iterable whose members may still be None or Python objects.

  • to_json (bool) – If True, will remove all members from untrimmed that are not serializable to JSON. Defaults to False.

  • context (str or None) – If provided, will inform the method of the context in which it is being run which may inform special handling cases (e.g. where empty strings may be important / allowable). Defaults to None.

  • for_export (bool) – If True, indicates that the method is being run to produce a JSON for consumption by the export server. Defaults to False.

Return type:


property accessibility: TypeOptionsAccessibility | None

Accessibility options for a series.

Return type:

TypeOptionsAccessibility or None

property affects_map_view: bool | None

If True, the MapView takes this series into account when computing the default zoom and center of the map. Defaults to True.

Return type:

bool or None

property all_areas: bool | None

If True, all areas defined in the map’s .map_data should be rendered, with areas that do not have a related data point rendered as null values. If False, areas of the map that do not have a related data point are skipped and not rendered. Defaults to True.

Return type:

bool or None

property allow_point_select: bool | None

Allow this series’ points to be selected by clicking on the graphic (columns, point markers, pie slices, map areas etc).

The selected points can be handled in JavaScript by point select and unselect events, or collectively by the (JavaScript) getSelectedPoints() function.

And alternative way of selecting points is through dragging.

Defaults to False.

Return type:

bool or None

property animation: bool | AnimationOptions | None

Enable or disable the initial animation when a series is displayed.

The animation can also be set as a configuration object. Please note that this option only applies to the initial animation of the series itself. For other animations, see Chart.animation and the animation parameter under the (JavaScript) API methods. The following properties are supported:

  • defer: The animation delay time in milliseconds.

  • duration: The duration of the animation in milliseconds.

  • easing: Can be a string reference to an easing function set on the Math object or a function.


Due to poor performance, animation is disabled in old IE browsers for several chart types.

Return type:

AnimationOptions or None

property animation_limit: int | float | Decimal | None

For some series, there is a limit that shuts down initial animation by default when the total number of points in the chart is too high. Defaults to None.

For example, for a column chart and its derivatives, animation does not run if there is more than 250 points totally. To disable this cap, set animation_limit to float("inf") (which represents infinity).

Return type:

numeric or None

property boost_blending: str | None

Sets the color blending in the boost module. Defaults to None.

Return type:

str or None

property boost_threshold: int | None

Set the point threshold for when a series should enter boost mode. Defaults to 5000.

Setting it to e.g. 2000 will cause the series to enter boost mode when there are 2,000 or more points in the series.

To disable boosting on the series, set the boost_threshold to 0. Setting it to 1 will force boosting.


The AreaOptions.crop_threshold() also affects this setting.

When zooming in on a series that has fewer points than the crop_threshold, all points are rendered although outside the visible plot area, and the boost_threshold won’t take effect.

Return type:

int or None

property border_color: str | Gradient | Pattern | None

The color of the border surrounding each area of the map. Defaults to '#cccccc'.

Return type:

str or Gradient or Pattern or None

property border_width: int | float | Decimal | None

The width of the border surrounding each area of the map. Defaults to 1.

Return type:

numeric or None

property class_name: str | None

The additional CSS class name to apply to the series’ graphical elements.


This option is additive to the default class names - it does not replace them.

Return type:

str or None

property clip: bool | None

If False, allows the series to be rendered in the entire plot area. If True, constrains where the series can be rendered within the plot area. Defaults to True.

Return type:

bool or None

property color: str | Gradient | Pattern | None

The main color of the series.

In line type series it applies to the line and the point markers unless otherwise specified. In bar type series it applies to the bars unless a color is specified per point. The default value is pulled from the Options.colors() array.


The main color applied to the series.

Return type:

str, Gradient, Pattern`, or None

property color_axis: str | int | bool | None

When using dual or multiple color axes, this setting defines which color axis the particular series is connected to. It refers to either the ColorAxis.id() or the index of the axis in the ColorAxis array, with 0 being the first. Set this option to False to prevent a series from connecting to the default color axis.

Defaults to 0.

Return type:

None or str or int or bool

property color_index: int | None

When operating in styled mode, a specific color index to use for the series, so that its graphic representations are given the class name highcharts-color-{n}.

Defaults to None.

Return type:

int or None

property color_key: str | None

Determines what data value should be used to calculate point color if AreaOptions.color_axis() is used.


Requires to set min and max if some custom point property is used or if approximation for data grouping is set to 'sum'.

Return type:

str or None

property cursor: str | None

The style of cursor to use when the user’s mouse hovers over the data series.

Acceptable values are:

  • 'alias'

  • 'all-scroll'

  • 'auto'

  • 'cell'

  • 'col-resize'

  • 'context-menu'

  • 'copy'

  • 'crosshair'

  • 'default'

  • 'e-resize'

  • 'ew-resize'

  • 'grab'

  • 'grabbing'

  • 'help'

  • 'move'

  • 'n-resize'

  • 'ne-resize'

  • 'nesw-resize'

  • 'no-drop'

  • 'none'

  • 'not-allowed'

  • 'ns-resize'

  • 'nw-resize'

  • 'nwse-resize'

  • 'pointer'

  • 'progress'

  • 'row-resize'

  • 's-resize'

  • 'se-resize'

  • 'sw-resize'

  • 'text'

  • 'vertical-text'

  • 'w-resize'

  • 'wait'

  • 'zoom-in'

  • 'zoom-out'

Return type:

str or None

property custom: JavaScriptDict | None

A reserved subspace to store options and values for customized functionality.

Here you can add additional data for your own event callbacks and formatter callbacks.

Return type:

dict or None

property dash_style: str | None

Name of the dash style to use for the graph, or for some series types the outline of each shape.

Accepts one of the following values:

  • ‘Dash’,

  • ‘DashDot’,

  • ‘Dot’,

  • ‘LongDash’,

  • ‘LongDashDot’,

  • ‘LongDashDotDot’,

  • ‘ShortDash’,

  • ‘ShortDashDot’,

  • ‘ShortDashDotDot’,

  • ‘ShortDot’,

  • ‘Solid’

Return type:

str or None

property data_as_columns: bool | None

If True, indicates that the data is structured as columns instead of as rows. Defaults to None, which behaves as False.

Return type:

bool or None

property data_labels: DataLabel | List[DataLabel] | None

Options for the series data labels, appearing next to each data point.


To have multiple data labels per data point, you can also supply a collection of DataLabel configuration settings.

Return type:

DataLabel, list of DataLabel, or None

property description: str | None

A description of the series to add to the screen reader information about the series.

Return type:

str or None

property drag_drop: DragDropOptions | None

The draggable-points module allows points to be moved around or modified in the chart.

In addition to the options mentioned under the dragDrop API structure, the module fires three (JavaScript) events:

  • point.dragStart

  • point.drag

  • point.drop

Return type:

DragDropOptions or None

property enable_mouse_tracking: bool | None

If True, enables mouse tracking for the series (used to capture point tooltips, click events on graphs and points, etc.). If False, disables mouse tracking for the series (which can help performance). Defaults to True.

Return type:

bool or None

property events: SeriesEvents | None

General event handlers for the series items.


These event hooks can also be attached to the series at run time using the (JavaScript) Highcharts.addEvent() function.

Return type:

SeriesEvents or None

property fill_color: str | Gradient | Pattern | None

Fill color of the map line shapes. Defaults to 'none'.

Return type:

str or Gradient or Pattern or None

property find_nearest_point_by: str | None

Determines whether the series should look for the nearest point in both dimensions or just the x-dimension when hovering the series.

If None, defaults to 'xy' for scatter series and 'x' for most other series. If the data has duplicate x-values, it is recommended to set this to 'xy' to allow hovering over all points.

Applies only to series types using nearest neighbor search (not direct hover) for tooltip.

Return type:

str or None

property include_in_data_export: bool | None

If False, will prevent the data series from being included in any form of data export. Defaults to True.

Return type:

bool or None

property join_by: str | List[str] | EnforcedNullType | None

The property which should be used to join the series’ .map_data to its .data. When None, defaults to 'hc-key'.

Accepts three possible types of value:

  • a string, which joins on the same property in both the .mapData and .data


    For maps loaded from GeoJSON, the keys may be held in each point’s properties object.

  • a 2-member collection, where the first represents the key in .mapData and the second represents a (different) key in .data

  • highcharts_maps.constants.EnforcedNull, where items are joined by their positions in the .mapData and .data arrays


Using highcharts_maps.constants.EnforcedNull performs much faster than the other two options. This is the recommended value when rendering more than a thousand data points, assuming that you are using a backend that can preprocess the data into parallel arrays.

Return type:

highcharts_maps.constants.EnforcedNull or str or 2-member list of str, or None


HighchartsValueError – if supplied an iterable that has more than 2 members

property keys: List[str] | None

An array specifying which option maps to which key in the data point array.

This makes it convenient to work with unstructured data arrays from different sources.

Return type:

list of str, or None

property label: SeriesLabel | None

Series labels are placed as close to the series as possible in a natural way, seeking to avoid other series. The goal of this feature is to make the chart more easily readable, like if a human designer placed the labels in the optimal position.


The series labels currently work with series types having a graph or an area.

Return type:

SeriesLabel or None

property legend_symbol: str | None

The type of legend symbol to render for the series. Accepts either 'lineMarker', 'areaMarker', or 'rectangle'. Defaults to 'rectangle'.

Return type:


property linked_to: str | None

The id of another series to link to.


The value can be ':previous' to link to the previous series. When two series are linked, only the first one appears in the legend. Toggling the visibility of this also toggles the linked series.


If the master series uses data sorting and linked series does not have its own sorting definition, the linked series will be sorted in the same order as the master one.

Return type:

str or None

property marker: Marker | None

Options for the point markers of line-like series.

Properties like fill_color, line_color and line_width define the visual appearance of the markers. Other series types, like column series, don’t have markers, but have visual options on the series level instead.

Return type:

Marker or None

property negative_color: str | Gradient | Pattern | None

The color for the parts of the graph or points that are below the AreaOptions.threshold().


Zones take precedence over the negative color. Using negative_color is equivalent to applying a zone with value of 0.

Return type:

str or Gradient or Pattern or None

property null_color: str | Gradient | Pattern | None

The color to apply to null data points. Defaults to '#f7f7f7'.

Return type:

str or Gradient or Pattern or None

property null_interaction: bool | None

If True, allows pointer interactions (e.g. tooltips, mouse events, etc.) on null data points in the series. Defaults to None.

Return type:

bool or None

property on_point: OnPointOptions | None

Options for the Series on point feature, which is currently only supported by pie and sunburst chargs.

Return type:

OnPointOptions or None

property opacity: float | None

Opacity of a series parts: line, fill (e.g. area), and labels.

Return type:


property point: Point | None

Properties for each single point.

Return type:

Point or None

property point_description_formatter: CallbackFunction | None

Same as for Accessibility.series.description_formatter(), only for an individual series. Overrides the chart-wide configuration.

Return type:

CallbackFunction or None

property selected: bool | None

If True, the series is selected initially (by default, without user interaction). Defaults to False.


If GenericTypeOptions.show_checkbox() is True, then the checkbox will be checked if selected is True.

Return type:

bool or None

property show_checkbox: bool | None

If True, a checkbox is displayed next to the legend item to allow selecting the series.


The state of the checkbox is controlled by the GenericTypeOptions.selected() property.

Return type:

bool or None

property show_in_legend: bool | None

Whether to display this particular series or series type in the legend. Standalone series are shown in the legend by default, and linked series are not.

Return type:

bool or None

property skip_keyboard_navigation: bool | None

If True, the accessibility module will skip past this series when executing keyboard navigation.

Return type:

bool or None

property sonification: SeriesSonification | None

Sonification configuration for the series type/series.

Return type:

SeriesSonification or None

property states: States | None

Configuration for state-specific configuration to apply to the data series.

Return type:

States or None

property sticky_tracking: bool | None

Sticky tracking of mouse events.

When True, the (JavaScript) mouseOut event on a series is not triggered until the mouse moves over another series, or out of the plot area.

When False, the (JavaScript) mouseOut event on a series is triggered when the mouse leaves the area around the series’ graph or markers. This also implies the tooltip when not shared.

When False and PlotOptions.tooltip.shared() is also False, the tooltip will be hidden when moving the mouse between series.

Defaults to True for line and area type series, but to False for columns, pies, etc.


The boost module will force this option because of technical limitations.

Return type:

bool or None

property threshold: int | float | Decimal | EnforcedNullType | None

The Y axis value to serve as the base for the columns, for distinguishing between values above and below a threshold. Defaults to 0.

If EnforcedNullType, the columns extend from the padding Y axis minimum.

Return type:

numeric or EnforcedNullType or None

property tooltip: Tooltip | None

A configuration object for the tooltip rendering of each single series. Properties are inherited from tooltip, but only the following properties can be defined on a series level.

Return type:

Tooltip or None

property turbo_threshold: int | None

When a series contains a data array longer than this value, only one dimensional arrays of numbers, or two dimensional arrays with x and y values are allowed. Also, only the first point is tested, and the rest are assumed to be the same format. This saves expensive data checking and indexing in long series. Set it to 0 or None to disable.

Defaults to 1000.


In boost mode, turbo threshold is forced. Only array of numbers or two dimensional arrays are allowed.

Return type:

int or None

property type: str

Indicates the type of series that is represented by this instance.


This proprety is read-only!

Return type:


property visible: bool | None

If True, the series is initially visible. If False, the series is hidden by default. Defaults to True.

Return type:

bool or None